Bi Bi Bi
Get ready for an exploration and celebration of bisexual and pansexual perspectives! Presented by Whiskey Theatre Factory originally as a staged reading in 2021, five short pieces, now fully fleshed out, come together to tell stories of the most often left out letter in our alphabet soup. Did you know the B *doesn't* stand for bacon?? We'll explore everything from coming out to friends and family and polyamorous relationship dynamics, to alien abductions and the Garden of Eden! Pieces include "The Morning After the Fall" by John Bavoso, "Just to B" by John Mabey, "We're a Couple" by Juniper McKelvie, as well as "Anomaly" by Bethany Dickens Assaf, and "Going In" by Katie Thayer, who are both Whiskey Theatre Factory founding members. Whiskey Theatre Factory is committed to producing, developing, and celebrating emerging, untapped, and historically excluded voices. We hope you'll *B* there!

Event Details
Genre: LGBT Themes, Theatre
Duration: 60 mins
Price: $15
September 21, 2024 4.00pm
Artspace - MainStage
Price: $15
September 22, 2024 7.30pm
Artspace - MainStage
Price: $15


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